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The Beauty of the Plasma Grenade

Growing up I loved playing video games, one game stood out over most was Halo. The Halo series was a first-person shooter that enabled a player to be creative, witty and skilled to overcome foes. Foes could include the Covenant or Flood, storyline antagonists, or other users across the world in online play. There are many weapons that are formidable to be victorious, but I have one favorite that I will describe. A plasma grenade is a weapon in the Halo franchise that when used properly is extremely powerful and allows the user an upper hand in any situation if used correctly.

Plasma grenades are blue and about the size of an apple. As described by Halopedia, “The plasma grenade’s casing is made of smart matter programmed to stick to infantry targets. When primed, the Type-1 plasma grenade starts to vent its coolant. This emission is light so that the grenade does not stick to the person priming the grenade. When thrown, the venting coolant causes the grenade to become hot enough that if it encounters a vehicle or infantry, the grenade will start to burn into the surface and adhere to it. After the coolant has been discharged, the plasma generator inside destabilizes and the grenade detonates after approximately 3 seconds.” (Halopedia) They also have neon like alien writing on them because they are a weapon of the Covenant, a well-known enemy of Master Chief (our protagonist). When activated they glow blue and have a fiery look about them. As a player you can hold up to two of them at one time in your belt. They are always a safety net and an insurance plan when you know how to use them strategically. They can be thrown like any grenade; close range or from distance. Obviously, the closer you are the more accurate you can be. They have a delayed explosion. Timing them wisely is extremely important because they can also deal damage or even kill you or your teammates. When they detonate, they look like an explosion of blue paint and do area damage to a specific radius. Area damage means that the explosion deals damage to a surrounding area, the closer to the center one stands the more injured they are. Plasma grenades deal considerable damage.

You can find plasma grenades on any map in Halo. Some maps they are more common then others. It would be wise to seek these grenades out. When you carry them, you have several ways you can use them to your advantage. The most popular is to stick them to your enemy. Yes, they can stick to objects including yourself so beware. Once stuck to an object there is no escape and it is certain death. My friends and I have gotten many a laugh out of incredible “sticks” from long distances or in dire situations. A Halo 3 enthusiast says it best on a Reddit forum, “Only in Halo, can you get the sweet sweet satisfaction of sticking a person and watching them run around for that last split second before they explode” (Reddit). When a player is stuck in the face by a plasma grenade it is dubbed “bluescreen” because all you see on your TV is a blue fire until you inevitably explode. It is a hopeless feeling being stuck but if the player that is stuck can navigate towards the thrower fast enough, he can act as a kamikaze and take an enemy with him. Another common use of the plasma grenade if you are skilled enough is to place it where your enemy will be. You see, due to the plasma grenades sticky coating, it doesn’t bounce like your typical grenade. It sits right where you place it. Using this advantageously, if you notice that an enemy is headed for a portal or powerful weapon you can strategically land your plasma grenade at that location. If they are not aware it will be detrimental to them. Plasma grenades can also be thrown at heavy traffic areas from across the map to clear out enemies. Even though you can’t see the enemy doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Many times, players are so focused on what they are doing that they don’t look for blue flaming things at their feet!

When you get a kill in Halo multiplayer with a plasma grenade by sticking them it is an especially satisfying feeling. Not only does it infuse a confident boost in your play, but you also get a medal that looks cool. The plasma grenade is the best weapon in the game because of its versatility, stopping power and creativity. A player can use the plasma grenade for multiple purposes in multiple facets of the game. If stuck, it kills the enemy no matter their health. The creativity of the weapon and how you can use it is the best draw though. The more skilled you are the more kills you will get with it. Imagination brings out the beauty of the plasma grenade and leaves opponents cringing with anger. It is simple yet devastatingly effective.

Works Cited
Bing, Microsoft, www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=/UjlzN3C&id=37CE0251FA164FA6C9052A476597D566CE67D163&thid=OIP._UjlzN3CxToRK4Pg7MC6aAHaFj&mediaurl=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vNZjp9pjel4/hqdefault.jpg&exph=360&expw=480&q=halo 3 plasma grenade throw&simid=607985987092677148&selectedIndex=11&ajaxhist=0.
Bing, Microsoft, www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=NkeasEW8&id=416C79EF4AF3DFEBFEAA1392DDAA29971382476A&thid=OIP.NkeasEW84O34IQCAKOWU8AHaEK&mediaurl=http://pre01.deviantart.net/52ca/th/pre/f/2015/208/1/d/plasma_grenade_by_xinfectionx-d92zst6.png&exph=670&expw=1191&q=plasma grenade&simid=608032956839300396&selectedIndex=2&ajaxhist=0.
“r/Halo – 400 Hours Played and My Favorite Weapon Is a Plasma Grenade.” Reddit, www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/b5499b/400_hours_played_and_my_favorite_weapon_is_a/.
“Type-1 Plasma Grenade.” Halopedia, www.halopedia.org/Type-1_plasma_grenade